Mankind intelligent or dumbest animal on the planet?

Humankind by our own standards;we are intelligent resourceful and adaptable but are we really?
I was just reading an article on MSN about global warming and frankly it is scary to think we could become extinct through our own endeavors.
We like to think that evolution has given us the intelligence and tools to thrive in this world but in reality we are as fragile as the natural world around us.

We like to think like the fictional series of Star trek that mankind can come together as one learning together to better the race as a whole... but in reality we are far from such a bonding.

The scientist say we have until 2030 to begin to turn things around after that it will be more difficult or worse too late. Species of this planet already on the verge of extinction will be gone and other species will follow. By 2100 most if not all species of insect will be extinct which will definitely lead to our own extinction, Why?

Insects are the key element and vital to plants around the world without their ability to pollinate we lose the staple of our own diet, fruits and others, trees won't be pollinated, plants won't grow the earth becomes a dead planet of dry soil....nothing grows we starve!
Scientist say it isn't too late and it isn't as long as we find a common ground to work together.
Easier said than done!

This brings me back to our own intelligence and the questioning of that intelligence.
If like we like to believe we are the most superior and intelligent animal on the planet and lets face it we are just another animal in the many species this planet holds then why are we also the dumbest?

To answer this question look at the natural world:

Put plainly animals kill to survive to eat to rear young and to carry on the species. They know the boundaries they don't destroy their habitat that keeps them alive. They know their place in the food chain  they live as nature intended.

Mankind on the other hand evolved whether by fluke of nature or not doesn't matter, we became intelligent we invented became creative but we also became destructive of our surroundings. We deforest for profit not to benefit all or the earth but to benefit the few. We have a need to war or be greedy again for personal gain of the few. True we have achieved some great things such as space flight, cures for disease ect but if it came down to our extinction could mankind bond together as one put aside our religious belief or indifference's and work together as one to achieve the impossible making it possible?
Sadly I fear not at least not yet!
Positive note: The generations of today are beginning to understand the importance of unity in a common goal, the racist and the haters are becoming extinct ,when they are gone then mankind will look passed the skin color the difference of religious belief and come together to solve the important issues that will determine if we have a future or not.
My generation is old school with out-dated thinking the new new generation is more environment and futuristic thinking.....They care what the future holds for all life on this celestial planet and I will die one day smiling knowing the future is in the hands of a competent generation :)


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