Manipulation of novels


Another question. “Would I allow manipulation of the books?”

“What do you mean by manipulation?” I asked.

“Would you allow a producer/ director to manipulate your books?”
“Of course” I said.

Peter Hawthorn Belfast Bound is going to be estimated at 10.2 hours in length in audio, can you imagine if a director turned my books into a movie how long each movie would be if he used every scene and every word in the novel.
Most movies are made by adaptation from a book or a script and have to be refined to fit a certain length in minutes / hours. The average movie length is 1.30 hours to a max of 4 hours unless it’s a series so YES I would allow manipulation of the books as long as the story-line is still there.

I’m not a director or a screenwriter like I said and I’m certainly no movie professional so I would leave that side of it to the professionals after all they know what they are doing. 


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