This is my latest book I'm working on I've uploaded the introduction and a couple of pages from Chapter one.
Hope you enjoy it , any comments welcome.


A novel by Stephen Atkinson

What if….Is a novel of fiction about intrigue, espionage and the Deep South influenced and financed by a foreign enemy.
FBI agent Sarah Sampson is given her first assignment by way of a Frankfort police report submitted by a southern house wife Jennifer Blake. Sarah a newbie at the Virginia office of the FBI Richmond reads the report with a tale so outrageous and beyond belief. Sarah has skepticism but soon learns that Jennifer’s story could hold credibility. Sarah keeps an open mind but has to battle the male domination of her superiors within the ranks of her own agency.
As the plot thickens Sarah realizes she has not only made herself a target within the FBI but also with members of the CIA and the current administration serving a country on the brink of war…with itself.
She soon comes to realize that she serves a President out of touch with reality, a nation in turmoil and a plot that could plunge the United States into a second civil war. Sarah has a choice to make…go with the flow and watch her country falter or try to avert a disaster that would lead to the deaths of everyone she knows and loves.
Friends and colleagues she thought she knew test her resolve as she investigates the upcoming events assisted by a Detective James Cameron the only person who has faith and believes Jennifer’s story. The two are united in one common goal to bring down the administration and uncover a plot so anus and hard to believe.
Hunted down by operatives of the CIA under the President’s orders and sympathetic White supremacist Sarah and James have to survive and get the truth out to the American people. Only a true patriot with strength and resolve can succeed, Sarah has the resolve but does she have the strength?



Sarah a bright Harvard grad is a spontaneous petite young woman of 24 with curly mousy hair to her shoulders and bright blue eyes. Her colleagues look at her 5.6 frame and laugh behind her back whispering wise cracks of how she ever became an FBI agent. Sarah’s hearing has always been keen but she shrugs off such chauvinistic remarks and doesn’t let on she hears them no matter how degrading. She has been in the FBI only a few months, her daily routine seems to be no ending of paperwork flying across her desk from agents in the field.

“So bored” She mutters to herself as she takes her reading glasses off and leans back in her chair as another pile of papers promptly land on her desk from Gene another newbie as he walks by.
Sarah looks up at Gene a 5.10 man of thin build with thick black hair grinning down at her with a warm smile.

“Sorry Sarah I would have taken them but the boss said to hand them to you” Gene said.

“It’s OK Gene the price of being a newbie I guess” Sarah winks at Gene as he becomes flustered then walks away leaving Sarah giggling to herself, she went through the program with Gene and graduated with him from Quantico although she always had a knack of making Gene turn crimson.

Sarah looked at the stack of papers that had just landed on her desk then looked at the stack of papers in front of her as she sighed with dread. “Another boring day ahead of me, wish I could get a field assignment, if I wanted to shuffle paperwork I would have become a librarian” She muttered in frustration as she began to type on her keyboard the characters flashing across her computer screen.

“I remember my first time when I first joined the agency, it gets better trust me” A voice came from above as Sarah looked up from her screen to see special agent Linda Garcia leaning on the partition between their booths. 
Linda a plump 38 year old with short red curly hair was smiling down at her. “Been there done that” She said. “But you gotta ignore the bullshit honey, male testosterone in this place is high and a lot of hot air goes with it” She added.

“What’s that special agent Garcia?” Tom Stevens the supervising special agent a man of 52 with graying hair silver rimmed spectacles wearing a light gray suit and tie turned around as he was passing in the blue carpeted corridor between the booths.

“You know what I’m talking about Tom; newbies get the shit end of the stick for their first few months on the job but the female agents get the bull shit of your testosterone on top for good measure” Linda replied smirking.

Tom thought for a moment then looked at Sarah. “You want an assignment agent Sampson?” He asked with a grin.

“YYESS SIR” Sarah cried out her eyes widened with excitement.


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